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What We See From Our Windows: Hope and Beauty

As people around the world continue to stay at home in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, we asked Guideposts readers and staff what they can see from their window that brings them joy. 

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As people around the world continue to stay at home in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, we asked Guideposts readers and staff what they can see from their window that brings them joy. 

We will bloom again.

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Susan Sebesta (Emerald City, Washington)

We will bloom again.

Sunset in Mesa, Arizona.

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Janetta Fudge-Messmer (Mesa, Arizona)

Since we’re full-time RVers, I try to catch sunsets wherever we travel. The Lord blessed us with this one in Mesa, Arizona.

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Some people might not consider this a great view, but I'm not one of them.

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Meg Belviso, Guideposts staff (New York, New York)

Some people might not consider this a great view, but I’m not one of them. Growing up I had a picture book of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen, one of my favorite stories. There was a picture of the two main characters waving at each other from their city windows and I wished I had a window like that. I got pretty close!

Some pansies on a deck.

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Mary Kehoe (Richmond, Virginia)

Some pansies on my deck.

Sunrise in the little holler

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Suzanne Crowder (Fairfield, Virginia)

Sunrise in my little holler

Finding Joy out Our Windows while Staying at Home

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Brett Leveridge, Guideposts staff (New York, New York)

I always find joy in the way the many trees on my block reflect the changing of the seasons, but the budding leaves on this tree right outside my window gave me a particular lift in this time of distancing. The world keeps turning and spring arrived, right on schedule.

My youngest granddaughter, Anna, looks out the patio into the spring flowers.

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Angie D Brumley (Tulsa, Oklahoma)

My youngest granddaughter, Anna, looks out the patio into the spring flowers.

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Easter morning sunrise in New York City, seen from my window.

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Ansley Roan, Guideposts staff (New York, New York)

Easter morning sunrise in New York City, seen from my window.

The view from my bedroom window is a beautiful flowering tree.

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Denise Hall (St. Louis, Missouri)

The view from my bedroom window is a beautiful flowering tree. A lovely reminder as the sun sets on this day, a new day will dawn and life goes on.

Sitting outside in the evening and watching people coming home from work or play.

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Sharon Faseler (Magnolia, Texas)

We’re retired and we like to sit outside in the evening and watch people coming home from work or play. It makes us feel connected to the outside world.

Late April snow in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts.

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Edward Grinnan, Guideposts staff (Monterey, MA)

Late April snow in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts. Spring suspended for the day.

Forest friends meet in our backyard.

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Terri Freiermuth (Beach Lake, Pennsylvania)

In the mornings forest friends meet in our backyard.

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The tail end of the Pink Supermoon.

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Andrew Nahem, Guideposts staff (New York, New York)

The tail end of the Pink Supermoon, from my bedroom overlooking W 110th Street.

Cutting the lawn.

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Marie Marquis (Hatfield, Pennsylvania)

My son cutting my lawn. I can’t wait till I can hug him close.

A soft spring breeze tickles the branches of this tree, making it seem as if it were waving and saying, “come out and play!”

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Celeste McCauley, Guideposts staff (Brooklyn, New York)

A soft spring breeze tickled the branches of this tree, making it seem as if it were waving to me and saying, “come out and play!” I hadn’t ever wondered what type of tree this was, a hearty specimen for sure to grow on a sidewalk. I searched online for “What kind of trees grow in Brooklyn?” and up came a company called Arborpolitan Tree & Garden. Maybe they planted this tree? Photos on their site showed arborists planting trees all around the city. Hearty trees. Hearty people. Hearty city.

A garden planted 20 years ago.

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Lisa Carr (Los Angeles, California)

My late mother planted a garden 20 years ago. It rarely blooms like this, but this year it did. A friend said, “It’s like your mother’s soul.” I know she is still here with me.

The dog Lincoln often stares out that window waiting for a bird to fly by or a chipmunk to chase.

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Kelly Mangold, Guideposts staff (Brookfield, CT)

The dog is Lincoln, he often stares out that window waiting for a bird to fly by or a chipmunk to chase. That window is my favorite spot to start the day with coffee and a view of nature which helps me center myself for the day ahead.

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A house finch’s daily visits.

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Renee Thoreson (Rochester, Minnesota)

As I’m working from home during the quarantine, this house finch’s daily visits and singing remind me there are good things ahead!

Some of the beautiful blooms in the backyard.

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Kim Wells Larsen (Elk Grove, California)

Some of the beautiful blooms in our backyard that cheer us.

A new green of the trees, a welcome sign of the spring we all need more than ever this year.

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Kimberly Elkins, Guideposts staff (Brooklyn, NY)

Outside my window, I see the new green of the trees, a welcome sign of the spring we all need more than ever this year.

If this tree could talk it would have quite a story.

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Karen Malena (Monroeville, Pennsylvania)

If this tree could talk it would have quite a story. It has survived major windstorms and though it is hollowed in many spots from the creatures that make their homes in it, each spring it blossoms with the sweetest pink buds.

Baby rabbit, Uzi hopped up to the window alongside the cat, Callie.

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Jessica Reed (Walton, New York)

Our baby rabbit, Uzi, had just been released from the hospital after being sick. We knew he would be okay when he hopped up to the window alongside our cat, Callie, to see what was going on outside.

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A female cardinal at the back door with a branch in her mouth.

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Diane Kiewel (West Chester, Pennsylvania)

I was sitting at my desk having my daily devotion when I noticed a female cardinal at my back door with a branch in her mouth. While she was building the nest the male cardinal was keeping watch on the fence.

A cute weasel came on the porch just before Christmas.

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Paul Tamasi (Belvidere, Vermont)

This cute weasel came on my porch just before Christmas. Seeing little creatures like this out my window brings me joy.

The bulbs of these flowers always bloom around Easter.

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Debbie Maley (Houston, TX)

The bulbs of these flowers have multiplied and been transplanted in each of our homes since. They always bloom around Easter.

A glorious Cardon Cactus blooms in the Spring.

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Rebecca Langren (Carefree, Arizona)

This glorious Cardon Cactus graces our front yard and blooms in the Spring.

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