Trust, Even in the Face of Fear
Sometimes I can hear the Lord whisper… It’s okay, Shawnelle, just trust. I’m here. But I tremble. Even though I know His arms are there.
Sometimes I can hear the Lord whisper… It’s okay, Shawnelle, just trust. I’m here. But I tremble. Even though I know His arms are there.
Through tears, she declared, “I will not fear. God is in control. She is healed in Jesus’ name!”
When I feel myself getting worried about what lies ahead, I ask myself these three questions…
My fears kept me from feeling God’s comforting presence. I wanted prayers that could give me that comfort. So I wrote my own.
When I’m worried, filled with fear, my eyes are on myself. It’s a self-centered kind of pride. There is a better place for my eyes to be!
I knew sleep wouldn’t return anytime soon, so I grabbed my Bible and thumbed through the pages, searching for comfort…
I understand my son’s fear because this is how I often go to the Lord when life makes me feel like I’m alone in the dark…
Afraid of Friday the 13th? You shouldn’t be. It’s a day that has its blessings…
After her beloved mother died, she was afraid. But then she heard the most beautiful, angelic sound …
“There’s a fire!” Not more than twenty feet away, flames were spewing out the window of the apartment building next door, shattering glass with heat.
Dogs can have strange fears. My dog faced one of hers and taught me something in the process.
The fitness professional shares how you can let your fears motivate you.