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Bumps in the Road on a Faith Journey

How one woman learned that no matter what obstacles you face, God will always see you through.

A faith journey

For months I’d had back pain so bad I couldn’t leave the house.

I’d been having recurring back pain for years, but this episode seemed to come out of nowhere and leave me completely incapacitated. It was as if my life was on hold.

Now that I was better I was determined to get out and find the perfect armoire for my bedroom. When I came across one in excellent condition at the antique store, I snapped it up. It seemed like a sign. As if God was assuring me I was ready to start living again.

Employees from the store loaded the treasure onto the bed of my pickup. The ride home was bumpy. I checked my rearview mirror.

“Oh, no!” I moaned. One of the knobs had fallen off during the trip! Now I’d have to replace all of them.

The missing knob was like my back pain: a reminder that something could go wrong at any moment. I pulled into my driveway and got out of the truck, already calculating how expensive replacing all the knobs would be.

As I walked toward the garage, something caught my eye. A small object balanced on the lip of the truck bed’s gate. The knob! I suppose the armoire was a sign after all: There may be bumps in the road, but God will help us over them.

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