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10 Quotes to Live Your Best Life from Norman Vincent Peale

The uplifting quotes from Dr. Norman Vincent Peale will inspire you to be your best at any age.

May 31 is the 122nd anniversary of Norman Vincent Peale’s birth. Author, minister, and founder of Guideposts, Dr. Peale, is best known as the father of positive thinking. He continues to uplift new generations with his legacy of inspiration and optimism. The uplifting quotes from Dr. Norman Vincent Peale will inspire you to be your best at any age.

Get your mind so eager, so zestful, so filled with interests that you just cannot be tired. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

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Get your mind so eager, so zestful, so filled with interests that you just cannot be tired. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

If you change your thoughts you will change your life. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

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If you change your thoughts you will change your life. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

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If you live in conscious communication with God you receive of His power, His health, His well being, His zest, His energy. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

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If you live in conscious communication with God you receive of His power, His health, His well being, His zest, His energy. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale


Don't be satisfied with a half life. God never said, "I'll give you a half life, I'll give you a desultory life." He said, "I give you life!” –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

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Don’t be satisfied with a half life. God never said, “I’ll give you a half life, I’ll give you a desultory life.” He said, “I give you life!” –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Life is either a great experience, or a small one, dependent on the quality and character of the thoughts we think. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

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Life is either a great experience, or a small one, dependent on the quality and character of the thoughts we think. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

There is health-giving power in the universe. It flows into human beings when they open themselves to receive it, and it stimulates a new and wonderful life within them. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

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There is health-giving power in the universe. It flows into human beings when they open themselves to receive it, and it stimulates a new and wonderful life within them. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale


Feel God's presence within you, lifting you up, and filling your heart with the deep and abiding assurance that all is well. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

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Feel God’s presence within you, lifting you up, and filling your heart with the deep and abiding assurance that all is well. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

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What difference does chronological age make as long as your mind is alive, as long as you read, as long as you think, as long as you are part of it? If you really live, you are young, you are vital. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

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What difference does chronological age make as long as your mind is alive, as long as you read, as long as you think, as long as you are part of it? If you really live, you are young, you are vital. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

I’ll tell you a secret: The way to handle the little things is to bring God into them, for nothing is so small that it is beneath His notice. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

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I’ll tell you a secret: The way to handle the little things is to bring God into them, for nothing is so small that it is beneath His notice. –Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Jesus is the greatest teacher of happiness the world ever knew. Take Him into your heart, into your mind, and you will sing a song of joy always.

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Jesus is the greatest teacher of happiness the world ever knew. Take Him into your heart, into your mind, and you will sing a song of joy always.

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