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When You Need to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

If you’re living too close to your comfort zone, maybe it’s time to step outside it and move to a new level, accept new challenges.

When you need to step out of your comfort zone.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Is it time for you to step outside your comfort zone?

I recently read a quote from T.D. Jakes, founder of The Potter’s House Church in Dallas, that made a lot of sense to me. He said, “If you’re the smartest person in your circle, you’re in the wrong circle–you’ve outgrown it. It’s time to move to the next level.”

I’ve also heard a version of this quote used in business settings, encouraging people to challenge themselves by hanging out with entrepreneurs who are more driven and experienced than they are.

But I had yet another version of this quote spoken directly to me from my daughter’s boyfriend this past week. Ally, Wes and I have been hitting The Milwaukee Trail (a popular place to walk, jog, hike and bike in our neck of the woods) the past few months, and just recently we’ve all been training for upcoming races.

I’m going to do another 5k (I haven’t run a 5k in two years) and Ally and Wes are going to do the Tough Mudder, which is a 10 to 12 mile obstacle course that is designed to test physical strength and mental grit. (They don’t call it “Tough” Mudder for nothing!)

Michelle stepping out of her comfort zone.Obviously, their training is way more intense than mine but last week when I accompanied them, Wes said, “You should train with us!”

“I thought I was,” I answered.

“No,” he continued, “You should train with us.”

“You mean do what you’re doing?” I asked, with a pained look on my face.

“Exactly,” he answered. “You can do it! You just need someone to push you.”

As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. I needed to step outside my comfort zone.

I always accompanied the training twosome to the Trail, but I also always let them run ahead of me, content to power walk at my own comfortable pace. But that was the problem—I’d grown too comfortable with my training. I hadn’t been pushing myself. Ever since I had gallbladder surgery in April, I’ve been a little nervous about running again.

Afraid it might hurt.

Afraid I might not be able to do run like I had before.

Afraid to even try…until that night when Wes pushed me into it—and outside my comfort zone.

Guess what? He was right! I was able to run—only about 5 minutes at a time before I had to walk again—but it was a start. And that start was all I needed to get back at it—no longer afraid to train harder.

I had enlarged my “training circle” to include Ally and Wesley, and he wasn’t afraid to push me. (I might add that he continues to push me, which is a good thing. He and Ally are either going to kill me or make me better!)

So, how are the circles in your life? Are you being challenged in every area of your life, or are you very comfortable these days, not being stretched at all? Still living inside your comfort zone?

If you’re the smartest one, the fittest one, the most inspiring one, then it’s time to get a new circle or at least add to your existing ones. 

Pray this with me:

Father, help me to step outside my comfort zone and enlarge my circle. And, Lord, please bring new people into my life who will draw me closer to You, closer to my goals, and closer to the destiny that You have for me. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.

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