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The Good Things in Life’s Storms

How hardship can bring you closer to God

Weathering life's storms
Credit: Getty Images

I think I’m beginning to grow duck feathers it’s been so wet here! In the mountains of North Carolina, day after day is filled with a gloomy forecast of rain. So I was thrilled this morning when it wasn’t raining, and I could sit out on my deck and work on my writing deadlines. Other than being dive-bombed by a bird, making an up-close acquaintance of a squirrel who didn’t realize I was sitting there and having a bee come a little too near for comfort, I sure did enjoy those few hours working in God’s creation. 

But then, in just the span of a few minutes, a massive storm rolled in. The sky turned from bright sunshine to charcoal gray. The wind picked up in huge gusts that blew green and brown debris from the trees into the air. The dead leaves and bits of greenery hung suspended and then danced around in the wind. 

Sudden storms are a lot like life. We’re going along fine, and then, all of a sudden, BAM! But storms don’t last forever. And we can even discover some lovely things about them. The winds get rid of debris that would have piled up in the trees. The rain waters the flowers, and leaves everything freshly-washed.

It’s the same with our souls. Instead of focusing on the hardships of life’s storms, what if we looked for the good things? Storms can strengthen us. They cleanse our souls. They can get rid of debris, the things that don’t need to be in our lives. 

Storms are great reminders that even when we’re being pounded, we always have the assurance that God will be with us for every difficult moment. The God who made the storm can certainly calm it, and He will stay with us until those storms are over.

Are you going through a difficult time today? Just tuck your hand into God’s hand and let Him worry about the storm. He’s got it all under control. 

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