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How a Leap of Faith Led to Faithbox

How Willie Morris gave up a good job in New York to launch Faithbox, a charitable startup for hungry kids.

Willie Morris, founder of charitable startup, Faithbox
Credit: Todd Plitt
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You might have read Willie Morris’s story in the August 2016 issue of Guideposts–how he launched the startup Faithbox and came clean about his Christian faith.

I had the chance to work with Willie on his story and couldn’t help but be inspired. Willie gave up a stable job in New York City to launch a charitable startup instead. It seemed like a crazy move, but he heard God calling and took a leap of faith.

I’ve noticed that a huge leap of faith is usually followed by some pretty big wonder. And that’s exactly what happened to Willie. His work on Faithbox has been filled with many “God moments”–or, mysterious ways, as I like to call ‘em! Now he wakes up every morning excited to do good work, and he helps kids in need in the process. Every Faithbox provides three meals to hungry children.

Watch the video below to hear more about Willie’s story or check out the August issue of Guideposts. Plus, if you want to try out Faithbox, Willie is giving Guideposts readers a special discount–50% off your first Faithbox when you subscribe between now and August 31 (use promo code: GUIDEPOSTS). You can check out the Faithbox subscription options here.

Have you ever taken a leap of faith? If so, what happened?

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