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The Sheer Joy of Achieving a Goal

Take the word of someone who knows, New Year’s Resolutions can work.

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I did it! Exactly 347 days and 44.9 pounds later, I am at a healthy weight. 

And it’s not just the numbers on the scale: I feel better, have more energy, have reclaimed clothes I haven’t worn in years (it’s like getting a new wardrobe!).

But most of all, I feel the exhilaration of taking on a large project (no pun intended) and crossing the finish line with time to spare. That feeling almost surpasses all the others because it spawns self-confidence, self-esteem, and a deep knowing that I can succeed at difficult life assignments.

Take the word of someone who knows, New Year’s Resolutions can work for you—whether they are health-, money-, relationship- or work-related. You just need to take yourself seriously. Don’t fool yourself with stopping short at wishful thinking. Make a commitment to yourself backed by a plan of action. And then next year, you too will be doing a happy dance fueled by the exuberance of success.

Believe! And don’t give up!

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