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Lori Loughlin: Filming ‘Full House’ Reboot Was So ‘Emotional’

The actress shares the emotional on-set reunion she had with her co-stars for Netflix spin-off show Fuller House.

The Tanners are reunited in the Fuller House reboot

Netflix is breathing new life into the beloved family sitcom Full House. On February 26, the spin-off show, Fuller House, will air, thanks to the streaming service and Full House creator Jeff Franklin

Where the original followed widowed father Danny Tanner as he struggled to raise three young daughters with the help of his friends and family, the reboot follows Danny’s oldest daughter, DJ Tanner as she moves back into the family house with her sister Stephanie and best friend Kimmy Gibbler in order to better care for her two sons.  

Guideposts.org chatted with actress Lori Loughlin – who’s reprising her role as Aunt Becky for a few episodes – about what fans can expect from the new Full House.

GUIDEPOSTS: Were you surprised Full House was getting a reboot, on Netflix?

LORI LOUGHLIN: I knew that there were talks happening but I never really knew to what degree or if it would get off the ground. I don’t think I’m surprised that the show did happen because we’ve seen reunion shows done over the past few years, but I think they picked a very smart way to do it — a spin off series that has the characters and where they are now and then picks up and moves into its own show with Candace [Cameron Bure, who plays DJ Tanner] and Jodie [Sweeten, who plays Stephanie Tanner] but yet still has the same feel of Full House, the same format, the same attitude. I think how it all worked out in the end, having Netflix be the one to bring it to life–all of a sudden it gives it this cool factor.

GUIDEPOSTS: Did you have any input on how your character would come back?

LL: No, but I wasn’t too worried about that. I know Jeff Franklin, the creator of Full House who’s also now the creator of Fuller House and I knew that John [Stamos, who plays Uncle Jesse] was producing so I knew that all the characters would be in good hands. I didn’t really have concerns knowing that they were at the helm.

GUIDEPOSTS: What was that first day of filming together like for the cast?

LL: It was like we had never left. It was surreal, it was emotional. There were definitely tears. The thing that kind of got everyone the most was going back to the original set. Over the years, we’ve all stayed in touch so  it wasn’t like I hadn’t seen Bob [Saget] or Dave [Coulier] or John or Candace because we do stay in touch, but walking back on that soundstage and seeing our original set, that was pretty emotional for everybody.

GUIDEPOSTS: Any new catchphrases will be hearing when the show airs?

LL: [Laughs] I don’t know … You’ll have to ask Candace about that. I’m sure one of the kids will have something. 

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