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Praying for Our Families

Imagine how our culture might change if we as parents and grandparents would spend more time praying for our families.

Hands at prayer.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

While scrolling through Facebook recently, I read a post by Dallas Jenkins about the passing of his wife’s grandmother. It so touched me that I asked him if I could share it with you…

A couple years ago while staying at my in-laws, I went to get a drink around 2 in the morning. Suddenly I heard what sounded like whining of some kind, so I stopped at the top of the stairs and listened.

It was “Nana,” Amanda’s maternal grandma, who lived with my in-laws. She was praying with what could gently be described as “weepy passion.” I type this through cloudy eyes as I recall her going through every member of my family one by one, thanking God for them and pleading with Him to keep them safe and in His hands. She alternated between humbled gratitude and passionate exhortation as I stood frozen for 10 minutes, both moved and educated.

Apparently that was a common occurrence.


I’ve never met a more genuine “love and grace giver” in my life. I was not her grandson-in-law, I was her grandson, and she would get choked up every time she saw our family and every time we left.

The fact that I loved her granddaughter meant that I was “in,” and that meant I was privy to the same unconditional love and grace that everyone else was. And when we adopted Max, she suddenly had a little Thai boy as one of her best friends, which is why he was teary-eyed yesterday morning when he found out she’d passed, even though he’d known it was coming for a week. She’s his first loss, and for him it’s a big one because he didn’t experience anything like her level of passionate love and tenderness the first half of his life.

I’ll miss her whimpering “oh hi honey” when she saw me. But I’m willing to give that up, considering how happy she is that she doesn’t have to pray so loud now that she can just look Him in the eye.   

Can you see why I wanted to share that with you? The post is a beautiful tribute to a prayer warrior grandmother, but it’s also a powerful reminder of the importance of praying for our families.  

Older relatives have shared the story with me of one of my great-great-grandmothers who prayed for her children, grandchildren and future generations while she was on her death-bed. The story brings tears to my eyes. I wonder how many times I’ve coasted on those prayers. I’ve often thought about how those prayers paved the way for two of her great-great-grandsons to preach the gospel.

What a sweet blessing and what an amazing heritage. 

Imagine how our culture might change if we as parents and grandparents would spend more time praying for our families. And here’s the scary thing: If we don’t pray for our children and grandchildren, who will?

My prayer is that I will be as faithful as those who came before me. I hope my sons and precious grandbabies will remember a mama and grandmother who loved Jesus, loved them and prayed for them.

How about you?

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. (James 5:16)

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