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A Prayer for My Daughter on Her Wedding Day

A father will officiate at his daughter’s weddings and anticipates the emotions–and blessings–of that day.

A father's prayer on his daughter's wedding.

In a few days I will stand before my daughter Christine and her fiancé Taun to officiate their wedding. I knew this day would come, but it once seemed so far away. I remember holding her in my arms when she was born and praying that I would be the best dad for my baby girl.

During every season of her life, my wife Elba and I prayed for her well-being, future decisions, safety, life mate and more. Today she is a beautiful woman living the wonderful life God gave her.

Yes, I have officiated many weddings, but never one of my children’s. When doing so, I will be focused on my pastoral duties, but I know inside my emotions will be running wild.

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Like most parents, I want the best for my children, and on that day I will pray that she keeps God at the center of her heart and home. Whether things are going well or not, she will sing praises of thanks to the Lord. I ask God that she will not lean on her own understanding, but seek the wisdom and guidance of the Almighty.

When life challenges weigh her down, she will remember that He is always with her. May she grow in her love for God and Taun, and forgive daily as God has forgiven her. I pray her home be blessed with the love, joy and laughter of children. And I ask God to give them a long and healthy marriage remaining faithful to one another throughout all seasons of life.       

Our prayers for our children never cease. Long after the wedding celebration, my prayers will continue daily for Christine and Taun. Please share with us a wedding blessing for my daughter. I would greatly appreciate it.   

Lord, thank you for the gift of love and marriage. 

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