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Great Hearts Think Alike

These two lovers had the same idea on Valentine’s Day…

Man baking

Seven years of marriage was a lot to celebrate, especially since neither of us showed any signs of getting the “seven year itch”! I wanted to surprise my valentine, T.J., with something special.

The day of our anniversary I got up early to make T.J. his favorite breakfast: chocolate chip waffles. I snuck out of bed without even glancing his way for fear my look might wake him! I tiptoed downstairs quiet as a mouse.

In the hall outside the kitchen, I heard the banging of pots and pans. The distinct aroma of blueberry muffins met me at the door.

I found T.J. covered in flour. “Happy anniversary!” he said. “But I wanted to surprise you with blueberry muffins for breakfast!”

It looked like T.J. had the same idea I did. We had more to celebrate than ever.

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