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A Positive Path with Holly Lebowitz Rossi: Five Finger Breathing

Guideposts blogger Holly Lebowitz Rossi shares a breathing technique that helps bring peace and calm in times of stress.

Hello. I’m Holly Lebowitz Rossi, writer of the Guideposts blog, A Positive Path. I’m here to show you an easy, calming breathing exercise called Five Finger Breath. It’s based on a simple, lovely fact that if you make your exhales longer than your inhales, your brain gets a message to shift into a resting, relaxed state.

Start with your hand closed in a ball. As you inhale through your nose, slowly uncurl your pinky and ring fingers. Now exhale through your mouth, slowly opening your middle finger, index finger, and thumb. Notice that you inhaled for a count of two and exhaled for a count of three. Imagine that as you breathe, you gave stress and anxiety space to float away.

Now bring your fingers back together for a new breath, and imagine something you’d like to receive, something you’d like to take in.

I hope this practice encourages you to open your hand to the possibility of peace and calm, today and every day.

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