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Experience the Living Presence of God

Use this devotion, excerpted from Time Out for Tough Times, to help you feel the power of God's presence.

God's presence in nature

READ: Set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord your God. 1 Chronicles 22:19

REFLECT: One afternoon I went for a long walk along a woodland path. Not even a bird sang, and gradually I became immersed in stillness. As I rested quietly on a huge stone, I actually felt the living presence of God surround me.

I realize that in these days I am seldom still; I have a husband, children and a career. And yet I need to remember: When the children clamor for attention… be still, and know that I am God. When I feel that I have not enough hours… be still, and know that I am God. When I am overwhelmed by my own inadequacies… be still, and know that I am God.

And I have a little exercise that helps: I perch on a footstool, close my eyes and allow God’s presence to fill me. Stillness surrounds me, and with my spirit renewed, I’m ready to resume the tasks ahead.

PRAY: Living God, let Your presence surround me.

DO: Sit in your favorite spot, close your eyes and allow God’s presence to fill you.

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