Positive Thinking Power Tips

Jon Gordon shows you how to change negative thinking into power thoughts.

Credit: Ingram Publishing

Emerson had it right when he said, “A man is what he thinks about all day long.”

Our thoughts are that powerful. They determine how we see ourselves, how we see others and how we see the world. Thoughts can imprison us in fear and doubt, or liberate us from pain and suffering. They can make life magical or nightmarish.

We often think that we describe the world we see but really, we see the world we describe.

Consider two people whose flight is delayed. One person thinks, Not again! Why do things always go wrong for me? The other person decides, This is a great chance to unwind and catch up on some reading. See how our perceptions become our reality?

That’s why changing your life starts with changing your thinking. Take these common negative thought patterns. You’ll notice how I have transformed each one into a Power Thought packed chock-full of positive energy.

Negative Thought
Nothing ever goes right. This isn’t the life I imagined for myself.

Power Thought
I attract abundance, success and happiness. I’m grateful for all the blessings in my life.

Negative Thought
People are annoying. They stress me out. 

Power Thought
Everyone is a teacher helping me to be more patient, positive and kind. I’m the one who determines my stress level.

Negative Thought
There’s not enough time in the day.

Power Thought
There’s always time to do the things that matter.

Negative Thought
I’ll never advance in my company. I can’t grow here.

Power Thought
I will work hard, stay positive and opportunities will come my way when the time is right. I expect great things to happen.

Write down your negative thoughts. For each, write a Power Thought to replace it. Pay attention to your thoughts and words. Next time they veer to the negative, change them into Power Thoughts. Before you know it, you’ll see your life change too!

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