Why Forgiveness Is So Powerful

Guideposts guest blogger and filmmaker Kenny Saylor offers some thoughts on the power of forgiveness and how it can lead to healing and closeness to God.

The healing power of forgiveness
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

My dear friend, filmmaker Kenny Saylors, does a Sunday post each week on Facebook. This one was awesome and I asked him if I could share it with you. Anger, hurt and bitterness are all things that can eat away at our lives and hearts—but we don’t have to allow them to do that. I think you’ll be inspired by Kenny’s wise words…

Have you been treated wrongly? Has someone done something to you that stirs up anger, hurt or emotional trauma in your life?

If you look around, it’s easy to see people who are trapped in their past, hanging on to the bitterness or anger toward someone or a situation that hurt them, which only causes the unchangeable past to dictate their changeable future. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been there far too many times myself. It’s not a pleasant place to reside.

Sometimes life is only understood when looking backwards, but it can only be lived looking forward. Yet I have to stand guard over my own heart to see that I don’t fall into bitterness or a vengeful spirit…

I tell you, friends, the past may have made us who we are, but it does not define us in the present unless we allow it. The Bible instructs us to forgive those who have sinned against us or despitefully used us. If we hold on to this unforgiveness, this anger, this bitterness, we have isolated ourselves from our Lord.

In Matthew 6:15, Jesus tells us that if we do not forgive others, our Father in Heaven will not forgive us. And we wonder why forgiveness is such a powerful thing…because it re-opens our connection to our Creator!! It doesn’t mean the hurt will stop or the memory will escape immediately, but the unbearable weight of unforgiveness will be lifted and true healing can begin.

So, have you been beating your head against a wall in confusion? Feeling like God is a million miles away? Soaking your pillow in tears at night or walking around with the weight of the world upon your shoulders?

Today is the day to let it all go. Forgive those who have wounded you, no matter how deeply or piercing it was, and accept the love and forgiveness of your Savior. Be still and listen for God’s direction daily. You can’t erase the past, but He can separate you from it and lead you into a new future—but you have to be willing to let it go, forgive those who have hurt you and forgive yourself. And then God will forgive you, and you will experience true freedom.

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