Why Worry When You Can Pray?

The more I open up to God about my fears, and talk with Him about my worries and concerns, the more calm I become.

Pray away your worry.

Do you struggle with worry? Many people battle it on a daily basis. Worry means “to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts.” By definition we bring worry upon ourselves.

Worrying takes its toll on both mind and body, cutting off natural energy and effectiveness. The physical and emotional impact varies from person to person. Worrying can lead to restlessness, mood swings and even illness. It has the potential to squeeze the life out of a person and rob them of joy, peace and happiness.

The other morning my daughter called to tell me how she responded to a late night text message from her boss. It became a long discussion with both being at different ends of how to resolve a business matter. The text message turned into a telephone conversation that ultimately led to a worry-filled, sleepless night.

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale offers this wisdom in dealing with worry, “Say to yourself, why worry when you can pray?” In Psalm 34:4, the psalmist writes, “I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.”


When worry occupies our mind, it is best to seek the Lord in prayer. I find that the more I open up to God about my fears, and talk with Him about my worries and concerns, the more calm I become. His presence gives me peace, as He reassures me that things are going to be alright. Through prayer the burden of worry is lifted.

When we worry, we live with stress. Sleepless nights, eating disorders and physical illness, along with a host of other ailments, become the norm. However, praying to the Lord about our concerns leads to peace, calmness, a clear mind and sound health.

Why worry when we can pray? Instead of letting disturbing and worrisome thoughts occupy our minds, why not talk to God about them? Share how prayer has helped you get through difficult times without anxiety and worry.

Lord, teach us to release our worries to you through prayer. Move us from fearful thoughts to faith in You and Your sovereignty.

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