6 Ways to Bring Laughter to Your Loved One

People with Alzheimer’s often respond to humor

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This article is based on information provided by Home Instead Senior Care.

A number of people with mid-to late-stage Alzheimer’s disease can still enjoy a joke or respond to the humor in absurd circumstances. When people around them are having fun, they may also pick up on the upbeat atmosphere and laugh as a sort of reflex. Since one smile tends to lead to another, it helps if you take the lead in setting the mood. 

Try these ideas for sparking a laugh:

1. Watch a slapstick comedy, such as an old Laurel and Hardy, film that involves more physical humor than dialogue.

2. Read aloud from a joke book.

3. Tune into a ridiculous TV show, like America’s Funniest Home Videos.

4. Play funny videos of dogs and children on YouTube. (Search dogs on skateboards or babies laughing)

5. Share silly family memories: odd things a child once said, crazy mistakes Grandpa made, the time you got lost at Disneyland and got rescued by Snow White.

6. Put out birdseed and watch birds and squirrels go at it. Feeding ducks at a pond or watching animals in a petting zoo or pet store are other reliable smile-makers.

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