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Advice for Love: Think We!

Do you need advice for finding happiness in your romantic relationships? eHarmony founder Neil Clark Warren has a few tips for creating a lasting love.


1. Be unselfish.
Great lovers are always thinking about their partner, and how they can make the other person feel valued and cherished.

Every morning my wife, Marylyn, brings me my favorite parts of the newspaper—the front page and the sports section. It’s her way of telling me, “I start my day thinking of you. That’s how important you are to me.” What a wonderful message for the one you love!

2. Be adaptable.
Great lovers adapt to their partner’s wants and needs. Marylyn can’t get enough of the news programs on TV. I watch them too, mostly to keep her company. Just like she’ll sit and watch Cubs games with me.

Some things we’ve agreed to disagree on (politics, for example), but we’ve learned to like each other’s likes. And that’s helped us thrive for close to 50 years.

3. Think we, not me.
Absolutely, it takes two strong individuals to make a strong couple. But if you keep focusing on what’s most important for you as an individual, it will pull your marriage apart. To build love that lasts, look for what matters to the two of you as a couple.

4. Dream big.
Lasting love is about the future. Take time to dream with your partner about all the possibilities that lie ahead of you. Say to each other, “Let’s talk about all the exciting things we can do over the next 10, 20 years.” Dream big, and your lives will be filled with blessings even bigger and better than you’d imagined.

5. Live big.
The future is limitless for two people who are committed to each other. Great lovers not only dare to believe this, they live it. Work together on making your dreams come true.

And keep giving yourselves new goals to aim for, new opportunities to grow as a couple. You’ll see how true love becomes even more thrilling and stimulating with every leap forward!

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