Answer God’s Call

When did we begin to give our opinions higher value over God’s? When God calls you and you know it, then you can trust and depend on Him to make the way open to you. Don’t let people convince you otherwise. 

Find the path God wants you to follow.
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My buddy, filmmaker Kenny Saylors, is one of the nicest guys I know, and I love his big heart for God. His Facebook post last Sunday touched me so much I asked him if I could share portions of it with you. Here is an excerpt:

Have you ever felt like the Lord was leading you somewhere, into a path unknown, and your friends and loved ones tried to convince you how wrong you were? Some even rejecting you, trying to convince you to go in completely the opposite direction of where you know the Lord is directing you?


If you’ve ever had this happen, then you’re in good company. In Luke 4:14-30 Jesus made a visit to His hometown of Nazareth, where He grew up as a carpenter’s son. His ministry had already started and the news of His mighty works had begun to spread across the land.

Well, when He went back to Nazareth, as He spoke with authority in the synagogue, the people grew indignant. Then He proceeded to speak the truth, and it so offended them that they actually took Him up on a hill and were going to kill Him!

Think about that for a moment—the people who knew Jesus growing up, those who had witnessed Him as a child playing in the streets with their own children, watched Him grow into a young man through His teenage years while helping His dad do carpentry around town—these were the very same people who rejected Jesus because He was doing something they couldn’t understand. 

In Isaiah 55:8, God spoke clearly, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts and neither are your ways My ways.”

When did we begin to give our opinions higher value over God’s? When God calls you and you know it, then you can trust and depend on Him to make the way open to you. Don’t let people convince you otherwise. 


The will of God is rarely what we expect—like a shepherd boy anointed to become king, or Jesus being born in a lowly manger. It’s never how we expect to get there—like Joseph sold into slavery or Daniel being thrown into a lion’s den.  

My friends, if you have ever felt that calling in you, if you know God has spoken to you about where you are supposed to walk, it doesn’t matter if it’s been two weeks, two years or 20 years, you can still answer the call. If the world forsakes you, if your family rejects you or if you have to go at it completely alone, it’s better to walk alone with God than to miss your purpose for Him.

Don’t let another day slip away from you where you are not actively pursuing your calling. Seek God daily, trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean to your own understanding, but acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Filmmaker and producer Kenny Saylors along with his brother Kyle are founders of Saylors Brothers Entertainment. Their latest feature film was “Veil of Tears” released in 2014.

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