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Let’s Raise Dreamers; Let’s Be Dreamers

Encourage the children in your life to dream big, and then follow their example.

Dream big. Photo by Srdjan Pav, Thinkstock.
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13, NKJV)

Whenever I speak about being a writer at Young Authors Day programs at various elementary schools, I always take time for a question/answer segment at the end of my presentation. After I answer their questions, it’s my turn. That’s when I ask the kiddos about their hopes and dreams, and specifically, what they want to be when they grow up.

Shoot for the moon!It’s amazing the answers I receive! You know what I’ve discovered?

Little bitty kids can have great big dreams. Some children answer: firefighter, nurse, teacher, author, policeman or movie star.

Still others say: model, racecar driver, professional baseball player, scientist, president and so many more awesome occupations.

Bottom line–children know how to dream big.

Do you know why? Because no one has told them yet that they can’t dream big. They don’t have that inner dialogue that says, “You can’t be a movie star. You’re not pretty enough. You’ll never be able to accomplish your dream.”

They are still young and innocent and full of hopes and dreams. You can see it in their big bright eyes. They truly believe they can do anything. And you know what? They’re right!

God’s Word says that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. All means all, right? So, encourage the children in your life to dream big, and then follow their example.

We should all be able to believe BIG when it comes to the dreams and ambitions that God has placed within us. God wouldn’t have placed them there if He weren’t going to help us achieve them. So, get back that childlike faith, and start believing BIG.

One of my favorite poems is this: “Ah, great it is to believe the dream; As we stand in youth by the starry stream; But a greater thing is to fight life through, And say at the end, ‘The dream is true!’”

Isn’t that good?

So, be a dreamer! Encourage the people in your life to be dreamers! And, then go for those dreams!

I have an assignment for you–and for me–as we begin this New Year. I want you to create a vision board about your dreams. Place on it pictures, quotes, scriptures, power words–basically anything that will inspire you to accomplish your dreams.

I’ve had a vision board in the past, but it’s time for a new one because I’ve accomplished many of those dreams, praise the Lord!

The Word tells us to “write the vision,” so let’s do that. And, while we’re at it, let’s help the children in our lives do the same. What a great way to spend a wintery day, putting together vision boards with the kiddos we love!

Pray this with me:

Lord, help me to dream big like little children do, and help me to encourage others in their dreams. And, Father, help me to only go after the dreams that You’ve placed in my heart. I love You. In the Name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen.

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