Willing to Be Obedient

Edie Melson learns how God blesses others when she is obedient to His call.

a woman with outstretched hands looks out over water willing to be obedient
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto


That word has new meaning since our son enlisted in the armed services. Knowing his very survival could depend on his ability to obey has made me look at the obedience factor in my own life.

So often my obedience doesn’t occur in life and death circumstances—at least not on the surface. Sometimes I think: does it really matter that I share my experiences as a military mom? Is anyone affected if I share the peace I found by turning to God during this time?

Of course! When I am willing to be obedient and share my story, God uses my experience to affect others.

That’s uncomfortable for me. I don’t like talking about myself—especially in a positive light. It feels self-serving. But God has made it clear that He wants me to share my story–all of my story; the failures and yes, even the successes.

His purpose isn’t to build me up. It’s to help others who are facing the things I’ve faced. I know what it’s like to lay awake at night and wonder if my son is hurt, wounded, or worse. I’ve experienced the powerlessness of letting him follow his own path, even when that path leads to war.

Most of all, I now know that peace is possible in those dark times. Not an everything-will-turn-out-fine feeling. But an unexplainable certainty that no matter how things turn out, God will work through it and never leave us or forsake us.

He’s used my story in extraordinary ways. Not because I’m extraordinary, but because HE is. The path of obedience has taken me many dark places, but it’s also taken me into the light.

How has God worked in your life? If He’s asked you to share it, I encourage you to step out in faith. Be willing to be obedient; you never know where that path will lead.

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