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How to Pray Your Way Through a Life Change

Prayer empowers us through enormous transitions.

Praying through a life change
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto
Prayer is a powerful force for good. At Guideposts, we believe in the strength of prayer to bring comfort, hope, and healing. Your generous donation today will help us continue to share the power of prayer with those in need. Together, through prayer and support, we can make a difference.

There are changes in life that we seek and others that find us. Either way, we need help from above and from others to get through them. Currently, it’s prayer that is getting my wife and me through a time of great transition. After 17 years at Guideposts, which included serving as vice-president of ministries for Guideposts Outreach division, I will be leaving to become the interim minister at Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church in Dunedin, Florida.

One afternoon, I received a telephone call from the chair of the interim nominating committee inquiring about my interest and openness to being a candidate for the position. I sensed in my spirit that I should be open to the possibility and trust God in leading the process. After several interviews via Skype and a final one in person, I was asked to be their interim pastor.

No matter the change, we need wisdom, strength and help to navigate the challenges, stress and uncertainties that come with the process. Although we are excited about moving, it still means that we must make decisions, pack our belongings, open and close business accounts and say goodbye to friends and loved ones. The list of things to do, people to see and places to go is long and demanding. 

Many times the wear and tear of change can make us feel weak, uncertain or sad. It’s normal to experience these emotions. However, prayer empowers us. God brings people into our lives to help guide us through uncharted terrain. We find inner strength to face our fears, and resources come our way in the form of gifts, meals and support that make the path a little easier to travel.

It has been a blessing to work and serve at Guideposts. I leave lots of good friends and loved ones behind. I trust that God will be with them and me as we continue in the journey of life and faith. Although I will be no longer be at Guideposts, I will continue to blog. Prayer gets us through the transitions of life because God is with us in all places and at all times.

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