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Risking Everything: A Definition of Personal Growth?

Too often we play it safe, but spring is a time to embrace change and become your very best self.

A very dear friend recently gave me a book entitled Risking Everything, by Roger Housden. It’s a collection of 110 poems centered on the theme of self-exploration and revelation.

The introduction alone is worth the price of the book. It begins, “Have you ever longed for a life in which every last part of you is entirely used up? Have you ever followed that longing?”

Too often we play it safe in life—I know I do. I seek security, safety, a just-interesting-enough life. But I forget that my deepest yearnings may very well be calls from God. Challenges to grow and to take risks to achieve a dream, make a contribution. But change takes work. I know that a simple Lenten sacrifice of not watching TV has been a struggle, let alone all that’s involved in changing one’s life’s direction!

But Mary Oliver says it best in her poem “When Death Comes”:

“When it’s over, I want to say: all my life
I was a bride married to amazement…
I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.”

I find myself reading and rereading the introduction, then diving into the poems, soaking up the words like a desiccated soul thirsting for wisdom and inspiration.

There are many times of the year when we resolve to make changes: New Year’s, of course, and September. But spring too is a time to use the energy of the season to burst out of a deep slumber into your very best you, and as Derek Walcott suggests, “Feast on your life.”

Who would you be if you could become your very best self?

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