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‘Be Still and Know I Am God’

Guideposts blogger Michelle Medlock Adams remembers that when she’s worried about her children, to listen to the still, small voice of God. To trust Him.

Abby's engagement picture. A mother stops worrying about her children and trusts in God's protection.

“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

It was late, and the storm raged on.

Where was she?

Abby, my then nine-year-old, had gone to a theme park with her best friend. I had felt okay about letting her go—but that was before the tornado warnings. Now, I just wanted her home—crouched in the hall closet with the rest of us. I wanted to know she was safe. I wanted to hug her. I wanted to protect her.

My husband, Jeff, and I prayed that God would watch over her. Still, worry filled my heart. I needed to know she was all right.

Why didn’t they call?

Just then, the front door opened.

Abby was home.

In those prior moments of worry, I had heard that still small voice deep inside me saying, “Be still and know that I am God.” But, I couldn’t be still. My mind was filled with scary scenarios and doubts. I wanted to trust God, but this was my baby!

Well, I’m having those same feelings of anxiety as Abby turns 23 tomorrow. After all, this is a very big year for my first-born baby. Abby will finish her final year at Indiana University in May, and she will marry the love of her life, Micah, in June. Don’t get me wrong; we love her fiancé. He is a godly young man. In fact, he is a praise and worship minister! And, I’m thrilled that Abby is graduating with a degree in early childhood education and will soon be impacting those bright young minds. But, as her mama, I worry that I’ve run out of time.

It just hit me: she will soon be leaving the nest—for good!

I wonder if I’ve imparted enough “motherly wisdom?” I wonder if I’ve let her know how amazing we think she is and how thankful we are that God allowed us to be her parents? I wonder if her Dad ever taught her how to change a tire? I wonder if I’ve shared all of the things I wish I’d known before I said “I do” 24 years ago? And, I wonder if we will we be as close as we are now once she moves out and begins a new life?

As my mind races, I hear that same still, small voice whisper, “Be still and know that I am God.”

So, I take a deep breath.

As parents, we’re sometimes afraid to trust God with our children. But, what we fail to realize is that He loves them even more than we do. We can trust Him with our kids—even our grown ones.

So, as I treasure these final six months of having Abby at home, I am going to keep reminding myself of that truth. Today, I choose to stop worrying and start looking forward to the many celebrations that Abby’s 23rd year will bring.

I hope that no matter what you’re facing today, you’ll do the same: Breathe; stop worrying; trust God; and look forward with excitement.

And remember when your mind starts racing, be still and know that He is God.

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