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5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Daily Devotional

The author of Guideposts’ popular 60 Days of Prayer highlights the benefits of spending time with God through devotions and prayer.

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A strong faith is one of God’s greatest gifts—and it’s something each one of us can develop easily one day, one prayer at a time. 

As the writer and editor of 60 Days of Prayer magazine, I spend many hours thinking about prayer and praying. Before I write a devotion, I sit with God and ask for His help in selecting a Scripture and crafting a reflection and prayer that will add meaning and bring comfort to someone who needs it.

The best thing about dedicating time to grow with God is that you feel His love almost immediately. I’ve been praying every day for many years and here are some of the lessons I’ve learned.

1. A little is all you need. Simply talk to God for a few minutes. Pick a devotion like 60 Days of Prayer, Daily Guideposts or select a passage in the Bible and ask God to guide and instruct you with His Words.

2. Make a plan. Have a goal and keep track of your progress. The plan can be as simple as “I want to pray more so that I sleep better and worry less.” Get up early and spend time talking to God about the day to come. Turn to a devotional book that you like—and if there’s space for writing, note how you feel after your prayer time.

3. Celebrate positive changes. Prayer changes everything for the better. Give yourself a pat on the back when you see yourself handling stress and overcoming challenges with faith and trust. Notice the difference God is making in your life.

4. Be as fancy or simple as you like. Your relationship with God is uniquely yours. Maybe sipping a cup of tea, while reading your devotional book feels right for you. Or maybe you want to start the day with Him and keep a devotion by your bed to turn to when you first wake up. Take a minute and think about it. What appeals to you? Whatever you decide is perfect—and it’s fun to switch it up now and then.

5. Blessings abound. God is a great partner and the more you invite Him into your life, the more you’ll discover that when you give Him your time, you receive more than you can possibly ever give.

I hope these tips and benefits will encourage you to devote time to open your heart to His Word, and discover a whole new world of joy—an exciting journey of faith—that will enhance your life in surprising and blessed ways.

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