READ: The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word. —Hebrews 1:3 (NIV)
REFLECT: Last year I resolved to read the Bible more, but when I read several chapters a day, very little stuck with me. One day I asked the Lord for guidance. It came to me: Read until you reach a special verse that catches your attention. Stop and write it down. Repeat it until it becomes yours.
Now Scripture has become words with living power, helping me in daily trials—and in joys too. Why not find your own verse as you read the Bible and watch for opportunities each day to exercise its power over any situation?
PRAY: Dear God, I know that Your Word is alive and relevant to any situation we face today. But I have to confess that it seems rather dry and irrelevant lately. Lord, please let Your living Word come alive for me again.
DO: Do what the author of this reflection suggests—find your verse, write it down, memorize it and put it to work.