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Suit Up in God’s Armor

Norman Vincent Peale shares three essentials every Christian needs to succeed.

Norman Vincent Peale standing in front the US flag.

You wouldn’t play tennis in your bare feet. You wouldn’t mountain climb in your pajamas. You wouldn’t swim in your winter coat. So why go into battle without the proper attire?

Ephesians, chapter 6, has a lot to say about the battle every Christian is fighting. This Scripture passage uses the symbolic language of the ancient warrior in armor who goes out to fight the good fight. And that fight we are to wage is against evil in one’s own heart and in the world. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (verse 12).

The struggle of the believing Christian is against vast and entrenched forces of evil and he must be very strong. And he will be strong, if he follows the Apostle Paul’s advice on what to wear. “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (verse 11).

This armor is put on first by buckling on the belt of truth. When encircled with truth, nothing can ever get through your spiritual defenses to defeat you. Then put on the breastplate of righteousness. This refers to the protection given by goodness and by right-mindedness (verse 14). Put on your feet the gospel of peace, so that wherever you go, goodness goes also and evil flees away (verse 15). Take the shield of faith (verse 16). The shield was designed to protect the heart, the vital center. If always you have faith in your heart, your life center is shielded and protected.

Then put on the helmet of salvation (verse 17). The helmet was designed to protect the head against thoughts of evil, against negative thoughts. The mind must be kept strong in the Lord, for the mind is ever subject to the attack of wrong thoughts. And wrong thoughts destroy.

And finally, take the sword of the spirit (verse 17), the bright and shining sword of God’s Word, and with it strike out against every evil thing in life.

Yes, life is a war of good against evil. But—good news!—you’re on the winning side. Just don’t forget to “suit up” for battle.

Download your FREE ebook, Let These Bible Verses Help You: 12 Psalms and Bible Passages to Deepen Your Joy, Happiness, Hope and Faith.

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