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5 Prayers for Surgery from Norman Vincent Peale

Surgery can be a stressful event for all involved. These prayers from Guideposts founder Norman Vincent Peale will bring peace and strength to you and your loved ones.

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Doctors walking down hallway

1 of 5 Prayer for God’s Presence

Dear Lord, I am about to undergo surgery and I’m a little nervous about it. Help me, Lord, to realize that the hospital is a place of health and healing. I know that my doctors and nurses are here to help me get well. Instead of experiencing pain and suffering, may I instead find Your healing power and Your love in the actions of those around me. But above all, may I hear Your footsteps along the hospital corridors and feel Your presence by my bed, day and night. May I face this surgery without fear and in perfect confidence. This I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

5 Prayers for Surgery from Norman Vincent Peale

2 of 5 Prayer for Nerves

God, I am going into the hospital, and I am nervous about it. Help me find, in this strange world of sickness, much love and many new insights. Above all, help me hear Your footsteps along the corridors and feel Your presence when I am most frightened. With You at my side, I am confident and assured. Amen.

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Woman prays for man in hospital bed

3 of 5 Prayer for Your Loved Ones

God, my loved one is ill. I ask for Your healing power to come upon them. You give us life and You have the power to renew life. I believe in Your power to heal. Open my loved one to whatever form Your healing power takes. And help me remember that, no matter what happens, You are the same yesterday, today and forever. You are always with us. Amen.

Empty hospital bed

4 of 5 Prayer for Your Doctor

Thank You, God, for my doctor. Thank You for her skills and training. Give her the insight she needs to diagnose my illness and determine the right treatment. Steady her hand and give her the power to heal in Your name. Amen. And all who touched Him were healed. (Mark 6:56)

Patient and nurse in hospital

5 of 5 Prayer for Your Nurses

Dear Lord, thank You for my nurses. No matter how much they do, they do not seem to get annoyed or irritable. Grant them strength for their work, and bless them, dear Father, with Your loving care. May they realize that they are Your loving servants. Amen.

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