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Keeping the Faith: Let It Go

Guideposts’ Vice President of Ministries reminds us that, like many biblical figures, it’s important to trust God—and let it go!

Ty’Ann Brown, Guideposts' VP of Ministries; photo by Todd Plitt

In 2013, Disney released the animated musical Frozen. Its signature song—“Let It Go”—was an instant classic. It wasn’t just Idina Menzel’s astonishing voice but also the song’s powerful message: Sometimes to move forward in life, you need to let go.

Have you felt hurt, angry—maybe even frozen—when things haven’t gone the way you hoped and prayed for?

How do you cope when a relationship ends or a longed-for opportunity doesn’t materialize? Do you stew in anger or regret? Shut down and shut out the world? Or do you hang on tighter? After all, society bombards us with messages to never give up.

I’ve clung to people and situations, thinking, God, don’t ask me to give this up. But when I let go—and let God take over—I’m reminded that his plan is better than mine. Always. “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Letting go is not easy. I think about biblical figures like Abraham, who was told by God to sacrifice his son Isaac on the mountain. Abraham entrusted his son to God, and in return, God promised to make Isaac’s descendants more numerous than the stars in the sky. When you clear space in your life, you make room for God to give you even more.

That’s something worth thinking about this season. During peak fall foliage, we see God’s glory. Then the leaves dry up and drift to the ground, allowing the next season’s growth. May you let go of what no longer serves you and let God lead the way.

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