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Confidence in God’s Provision

Lord, thank you for your provision. Show me how to share with others today.

God always provides. Here is a gift of a brooch given to Shawnelle.
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When we’re confident of the Lord’s provision, we’re free to give. We can share what we have because of the depths of His love.

It was an afternoon for family. I sat poolside under the late summer sun while kids ran and jumped and curled into cannon-balls that sent water high into the air.

My eight-year-old great niece, Chloe, climbed from the pool, walked across the deck and sat down beside me. She pulled her belongings from under her chair. While she rooted around in her bag for lip balm, I admired the brooch pinned to the front.

“What a lovely brooch, Chloe,” I said.

Chloe looked up and smiled. Water dripped from white-blond strands of hair.

“Do you like it?” she asked.

“Very much.”

She worked the clasp of the pin with nimble fingers and pressed the brooch, warm from the heat, into my palm.

“Then I want to you to have it,” she said. “Take it. It’s yours.”

I resisted.

She insisted.

Soon Chloe was back with the cousins, and I sat holding the brooch–admiring this little girl’s generosity and evaluating my own.

As I thought about it, I understood that we’re never really without an opportunity to share. There are always needs. They’re as real and present as the air around us. If I’m a careful observer, an attentive listener, the Lord will show me how to share the gifts He’s given me.

Lord, thank you for your provision. Show me how to share with others today.

I believe that a heart inclined to give has confidence in God’s provision. That heart has a child-like trust. If I know that He will provide for my needs, I can open my fists and let His grace flow.

I can share my possessions, spiritual gifts, money, resources and time.

Since he did not spare even his own Son for us but gave Him up for us all, won’t He surely give us everything else? (Romans 8:32, TLB)

There’s no need for me to hoard what I have. God’s already given the ultimate gift. He’s given deeply enough to meet my greatest need, and He will provide the rest.

The brooch from Chloe is now pinned to the strap of my favorite bag. It looks darling, but mostly it’s a sweet, strong reminder.

I am free to give.

A generous spirit reflects confidence in God’s love.

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