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How to Pray for an Aging Parent

How to hold an elderly parent in prayer

Prayers for an elderly mom
Credit: Getty Images

My mom turns 93 this week, and heck, when you’re in your nineties, every birthday is a momentous occasion.

My siblings and most of her grandchildren, not to mention her great-grandchildren, live within an easy drive. Alas, I’m almost 3000 miles away. I call regularly (and can still hear her say, “It’s your nickel!” at the notion of a long-distance call) and visit as often as I can. And of course, I keep her in prayer. Here are some of my prayers for my aging parent:

May you know that you were the world’s best mom.
No, Mom, you weren’t perfect, but you came pretty close. You encouraged us, laughed with us, disciplined us, read to us, taught us in Sunday school and heard our prayers. At this stage of your life, you should be filled with the satisfaction of a job well done.

May the pains be bearable.
Ouch, it must be awful to put up with that bad hip and shoulder pain. It’s amazing that you don’t complain more. As you get around the house on your walker, I like to imagine you feeling a lightness in your step.

May you get all the answers on today’s crossword puzzle.
You say that you have to look everything up in the dictionary, but that’s still better than I could do. I’m so grateful that you take on the challenge everyday. It’s good for your mind, and I suspect it’s good for the soul.

May the doctors take such good care of you that you don’t land in the hospital.
We love your doctors and are grateful for all they do for you. Prayers of thanks for them. And prayers of thanks for all you do to take care of yourself.

Thanks for opening your home up to a caregiver.
I know it wasn’t easy to admit that you needed help during day, but I’m so grateful you found the right person and that she seems to love you as much as we love you. May you be able to stay in your own home the rest of your life.

When the time comes, may it be a direct flight.
We’ve talked about this before. You’re very honest about the way you feel. “I’m not afraid of death,” you say, “but I am afraid of dying.” None of us want to see you go. Still, the end will come someday. I pray you have a direct flight.

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